Friday, January 9, 2009

Fancy Pants French Bread and an Experiment

Well, I've got bowls of bubbling brew all over my kitchen since I've been playing with sourdough. I have managaed to start one from just flour and water and keep it alive for over two weeks! This is an amazing feat for me (I can't even keep house plants alive!)

This first bread I found on the internet through someone I met on Craigslist. She linked it for me and I have no clue what the name is. So, being the irreverent individual I am, we're calling it "Fancy Pants French Bread"

I will try to find the recipe online again and post it or at least a link to it. Jessica really likes this one! It's a pretty chewy bread due to how it's baked. I don't have a la cloche (it's a two part clay baker that you put the dough in before putting it into an extremly high heat oven). Instead, I put my dough in a cast iron dutch oven and put the lid on and it worked like a charm. It's supposed to have a nice big open crumb but mine didn't. I know I didn't use the exact flours called for in the recipe as I was out of rye but I think the other issue was that it wasn't wet enough (possibly due to the flour I did use in place of what it called for. Different flours have different hydration rates so if you don't adjust for it your bread will let you know.)

The other thing I've been messing around with is sprouting my wheat before dehydrating it and grinding it into flour. I've just ground some today and haven't yet made bread with it since I have a gazillion and one different kinds of sourdough bread all over the place! However, I did throw some sprouted wheat into the Vitamix and made a loaf of bread with the freshly sprouted stuff.

This one was really tasty and had a nice, chewy crust with a moist crumb. It had pretty good flavor but I need to keep tweaking this recipe. I won't post it until I've got it like I want it.

So there you have it, a whole lot of words and a couple of pictures but nothing really very helpful! :D

Soon, I will post recipes very soon.

Oh, and tomorrow I get to pick up my new Superpeel! I'll tell you all about that once I've played with it awhile.